Antiche Insegne is not a factory. With AnticheInsegne you have chosen a history of craftsmanship and passion. As additional advantages we accompany you step by step from the design of your signs to their production, we help you to push through paperwork with the local council and obtain permits and arrange installation and shipping all over the world.
Designs free of charge
If you give us an idea we will do the rest!
Creativity, experience, taste: at Antiche Insegneyou will find all-round support to transform your idea of how the sign should be into reality. Our graphic artists create renderings in scale and colour sketches for your signs free of charge and without obligations. Do you like it? Do you want to change something? We make signs only for satisfied friends!
From Turin, all over Italy and the world!
The experience of Antiche Insegne can even benefit your home: our team does installations throughout Piedmont and the bordering areas with a complete service that is safe and reliable. But if you are further away that is no problem: special packing and shipping, always with insurance coverage, we send our signs all over the world complete with kit and mounting instructions!